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Dear players, welcome to Goldceo. Here is some information about the Problem of PK in

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निर्माण: 12/08/2009 03:44
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atlanticaonline :: The Problem for PK of Atl

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Atlantica: Getting Around and Skill Raising - 28/01/2010 03:52

Hello guys, welcome to Goldceo!

We collect some useful information on Getting Around and Skill Raising in Atlantica, read them in details and get the points you need. If you have no time to level up your character in the game, you can come to our site and have a look, we provide the most secure Atlantica Powerleveling.

Skill Raising:
It may be to try to teach your Hero and Merc's every skill(Atlantica Online Gold) available to them as tempting. It's not a really good idea for two reasons. 1) Mana. In the cast of the Monks protection spell. That is auto cast at the start of your turn. The higher in level it is the more mana it eats. Meaning you'll be sitting a lot or chugging a lot of MP potions. 2) Deluded Characters. You get 1 skill point per level. Teaching and raising skills(Atlantica Gold) causes them all to be rather weak. As you are spreading points between skills instead of focusing it into one. So where as Swordsman lvl 40 Flame Sword is doing 480 dmg. Your Swordsman lvl 28 Flame Sword is doing 200 dmg. Because you dumped the rest of your points into DarkSeed and Guard Dispel. Stay Focused, and plan ahead. The books to remove skills points are expensive, and they only remove one point at time.

Getting Around:
Make sure you stop in every place you run across. You only need to enter a town/area/dungeon floor once to get it's map info. If you get an NPC telling you to kill mobs on the first floor of a dungeon. Before you go running back to him when it is done. Take the time to hit the other area's of that dungeon. That way when he does send you back instead of running you can just send to the start of that floor of the dungeon. This is also very important for towns. As you'll be covering a lot of ground as you level later on.

Thanks for reading and have a good time.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Equipment of Artilleryman Atlantica - 22/01/2010 10:02

Equipment of Artilleryman Atlantica

  • Date:01-22-2010
  • views: 1
  • Author:
  • Editor: kate
  • Text Size: A A A

Hello friends, welcome to Goldceo!

This guide will Artilleryman Equipment in Atlantica. If you want to know some relevant information, please read the following information and enjoy your Atlantica powerleveling. Hope you like it.

In the realm of equipment, the Artilleryman has the ability to equip not only accessories, armor(Atlantica Online Gold) and a cannon, but he can also equip cannonballs which increase his attack power. Like arrows for an archer in most games, these cannonballs are used up whenever the Artilleryman performs a normal attack, but they are relatively inexpensive and the more powerful ones are definitely worth equipping in important fights.

It's a good idea to equip your Artilleryman with armor and accessories which increase his Magic Defense, and Intelligence. Here you could buy cheap Atlantica Gold. In addition, it's a good idea to give him equipment with high Defense and Vitality bonuses, so that the effects of any physical attacks which he receives are lessened. Finally, armor and accessories which increase the Artilleryman's Dexterity are a good idea, as this stat is the one which most strongly effects his cannon damage. However, the Artilleryman's real power is in his magical spells, Deep Insight and Chaos Wind, whose damage is somewhat determined by the Intelligence stat.

If you have any interests, please come here and our service is for 24 hours every day. We promise you will be greatly satisfied here!

Thank you for reading and have a good time.



bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Guides on Atlantica Mercenary(part four) - 26/12/2009 04:08

Guides on Atlantica Mercenary(part four)

  • Date:12-25-2009
  • views: 8
  • Author:
  • Editor: kate
  • Text Size: A A A

Hello friends, here is Goldceo!

Next we will provide you some Atlantica Mercenary guides and I got it from other websites, hope it could help you. If you have no time to earn Atlantica Online Gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price.

PvP – 9
PvE - 7

Beast Trainer (Grade C)
Level(Atlantica powerleveling) Requirement: 44
Upgrade: Giant Crystal, Giant Jewel

Hero Stats:
Str – 428
Dex – 224
Def – 1000
Int – 246
Vit – 395
Mdef – 175
Beast Summon
A Beast Trainer is a very good tank. It has good defense, HP and high damage. It is lacking in the magic defense department, but the Beast Summon skill(Atlantica Gold) makes it worth it. It deals damage to all targets and can be used quite frequently. The power can also be boosted by equipping different summon items into the off hand slot. It is important to area damage builds but not as useful for others. The problem with this though is that if you use summon items, you can't use guardian stones.

Thanks for your reading and have fun.


bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif लेख: Atlantica Guide: The Stats Build - 12/08/2009 03:49

Well hello there! This is Goldceo, welcome to our site.

This guide is in order to help you raise stats at the cost of Bonus Points in Atlantica. There are 3 types of Growth Vials like most things in game. They are broken down into Beginner, Intermediate , and Advanced. It's in your best interest to buy and use them whenever you can. Growth Vials raise a random stat each use. With beginning being able to be used up to a maximum of 150 bonus points at which point you need the higher level Growth Vials.

Not bothering to use these on your Hero and Merc's whenever you can. Will just make your life tougher down the road. My advice is use all of them on hero first as to get him to cap for that type of vial first. As when the hero dies it's instant game over. So a stronger more durable hero is always nice. Once that's done.

You can start with the front line merc's you have as usually they'll be taking the most beating. You won't encounter flying or any real dangerous long range enemies till post 25/30ish. Which gives you plenty of time to pump those stats. Will is a special bar that sits at top of screen. It refills slowly and is one rather important thing to keep track of.

Will allows you to teleport to locations you already have the map info for. You also need it for teleporting to party members, sending gifts, Sharing Monster Info, using EXP Skill Books, certain foods that replenish HP and MP need will to eat. It regenerates rather slowly so don't be wasteful about it. It's also used for sweet talking NPC's into staying at your town.

Here we have a huge stock Atlantica Gold sold with low price and fast delivery . We also provide professional Atlantica Powerleveling service to players who want to level faster. Welcome to place order !
